Offers are offers of fixed-price services by Freelancers. They are the perfect way to showcase the services a Freelancer can offer in “bitesize” form to attract new Buyers.
When posting an Offer we just have a few policies that Freelancers are expected to adhere. These policies are designed to make sure that the marketplace works well for everyone. Offers that break these policies will be removed and we will always contact the Freelancer to explain why so that corrections can be made.
Prohibited services
All kinds of services can be offered on PPH and therefore offered in an Offer. There are just a few things that can't be offered:
Supplying artificial social media followers/likes or product/business reviews (or indications judged carefully at our discretion that the Freelancer included indeed artificial deliverables)
Fraudulent listings or offers of any illegal services
Spam or listings posted purely for the purpose of promoting another business, website or third-party service.
Supplying university/ college/ school work.
Supplying activity such as post listings on other websites for the purpose of evading those websites account processes or policies.
Be as specific as you can be about the service you are offering and exactly what the Buyer will receive if they purchase your Offer so that there are no surprises. Also clearly state what is not included.
If you can offer different services then post separate Offers, one for each different service you can provide. Because each Offer advertises a different kind of service please use different images for each one of your Offers.
Keep it bitesize. Offers should be services that can be delivered within a finite amount of time and in no more than 5 days once requirements are received from the Buyer in the WorkStream.
Attach great quality images or even video that are relevant to the service that you are offering. Very poor quality, offensive or completely irrelevant images will not help you sell your services and may lead to your Offer being paused or even removed.
Set a realistic delivery timeframe that you know you can meet. Late delivery will lead to unhappy Buyers and will affect your rankings.
Set a price that is a price per hour or per item. Offers are fixed price services. The price should be the total amount that the Buyer will pay for delivery of the service specified (inclusive of any VAT). You can offer a package that is time-based if it is clear to the Buyer that is what they are paying for, it makes sense for the nature of the service to make it time-based rather than outcome based and the Buyer will get a useful service if they purchase just the onesOffer for example "I can be your Virtual Assistant for 2 hours".
Include your full name, company name or contact details anywhere in the Offer description or title. This rule is first and foremost to protect you; we recommend that you don’t publish your contact details visible on any public site.
Direct Buyers to another website for full details of the service being offered. All the information that a Buyer would need to know before purchasing your Offer should be in the description.
Post more than one Offer for the same service that you offer, even if it is a slight variation or a change in the unit of service offered (for example, I can write a 500-word article in 3 hours; I can write three 500 word articles in 9 hours). Buyers can buy multiple quantities of your Offer. The only post Offers for each unique service that you offer. Duplicate listings will get removed.
Upload any content that breaches our terms and conditions including all the obvious things like abusive, offensive, defamatory or infringing content.
Still Need Help?
I follow the term and services
I follow all the terms and conditions
Why showings this ( This Offer is pending moderation review by PPH Customer Support Ninjas)
Always getting emails:- This Offer is pending moderation review by PPH Customer Support Ninjas
What's to be included in this particular two sections?
I follow all the terms and conditions strictly
I follow terms and conditions.
why my offer not sumtting, when I sumbit the offer that we fourd error from PPH "The short description should be maximum 150 characters long" While I have written my offer in 150 characters, despite that my offer is not being posted, so I request you to help me in completing this task.
I follow al the terms and conditions strictlt.
I'm following all the terms and conditions
Why my application form has 🐝 rejected
Why my project is not posting
Please please help me
Please can someone at PPH advise me why one of my offers is repeatedly being rejected. I have amended several times and have tried emailing but have not heard anything back. I have reviewed against the guidelines but I can not work out what is causing it to be rejected.
Kind regards
Why you reject my propasal
hello let me get in selling why i cant offering??
hello let me get in selling why i cant offering??
No, this article is utter nonsense. My legitimate offer has been rejected 7 times! and they still never tell you WHY. I think I'll try for freelancing now
Why my application form has 🐝 rejected
Why my project is not posting
Please please help me
Why are rejecting my apartment again and again
Why are rejecting my apartment again and again
Why are rejecting my apartment again and again
The lack of response in this article is highly unprofessional
माझा अर्ज का नाकारला गेला आहे
माझा प्रकल्प का पोस्ट करीत नाही?
Well PPH is complete mess loaded with a lot injustice, picture you post a listing that is within their policy and one of their supposedly Support Ninja take declined the post because he/she taught it was unrealistic for a project budget to be $51,000.00 spread in manner of $43,200.00 with a $7,800.00 bonus thereby bringing it to the $51,000 and the $43,200 being paid at $300 a month until the project is completed because it will take around 144 months and a 12 months extension given therefore bring it to 156 months to complete the project.
But some suppose support ninja did not even take his/her time to even read the post but decide to take down the post with extreme prejudice and injustice when everything is clearly listed in the post. That is so completely unjust. So I take that issue for them with the U.S. FCC and, TRUST PILOT, GOOGLE, YAHOO and 3 more other review sites.
These suppose Support Ninjas all need a complete do over training on reading every post before they go around doing injustice.
Hi there,
I recently had an offer that I updated the price on get pulled for this: "It appears to be offering the same service as another Offer that you have live on the site. So that it’s fair for everyone we ask all PPHers to only post one Offer per unique service that they offer."
This seems odd since all I did was change a couple of photos, reduced the number of tags, and change the price without altering the offerings available when it was first accepted months ago. The offer is still different from the other offers, but I see that the new policies don't allow the same photos within different offers. I went to change the offer so that the photos wouldn't be too similar, but it won't let me adjust/access it. Can you please help me gain access to my offers so I can fix the prior offer and resubmit it?
Thank you,
To start they somehow handle the situation and did so poorly by trying to point out I was the one at fault when I was not fault over here the people per hour employees they wrong and you prove them they refuse to admit that they are even after you show it to them with solid facts.
I am advising everyone to what I am doing, everyone and anyone who with problems unsolved to start leaving reviews online everywhere specially on Rip Off report and wherever accepted as well to your local board of commerce and label the reviews with either the CEO's name or CTO's name hyphenated with the Company's name further attach a screenshot copy of your conversation with whoever that representative was like that they cannot deny the truth because I just learn they like to deny the truth and contradict their policies to not accept their mistakes as well that they are doing unjust acts to their users.
Also file a Rip Off report for injustice and don't forget to attach the CEO's and/or CTO's name to and if you're in the U.S. that report will be protected under Communications Decency Act or CDA, 47 U.S.C. § 230 firstly they also will not be able to sue rip off report for providing such service to you under that law.
This is exactly what I am doing. Here's why:
MORE THAN 6 MONTHS; MORE is a COMPARATIVE of "much" which mean Greater Than, or Above or Higher Than.
How does it fall outside of this option?
Please give me direct reference from your policies.
ONGOING mean Continuing. Continuing without termination or interruption: example; an ongoing research projects.
How does fall outside of this option?
Please give direct reference from your policies?
DIRECT EMPLOYMENT means to hire someone or get hired as an employee of a company and is paid a salary by it, rather than being contracted through an Agency. Examples: The People Per Hours Moderators and You are DIRECT EMPLOYEES of People Per Hour.
People Per Hour is an Agency for Freelancers and Freelancer Seekers (hereinafter; Buyers) and People Per Hour function is to allow Buyers/Freelancer Seekers to find Freelancers to perform their projects for them in accordance with People Per Hour policies and People Per Hour further handles all payment transactions for the Buyers between the Buyer and the Freelancer(s) upon the satisfaction of the Buyer by paying the Freelancers the Capitals deposited into an Escrow Account which is under People Per Hour's control therefore any performing ONGOING Freelancing Project within and under People Per Hour and the Freelancer's Getting Paid in and From People Per Hour's Escrow system of payment is not and does denote DIRECT EMPLOYMENT because People Per Hour is still that intermediary or/and the Mediator of the transactions.
Should a Buyer ask freelancer for information to pay them outside of People Per Hour's Escrow system such Buyer is therefore trying to engage in a DIRECT EMPLOYMENT with that freelancer(s).
In accordance to the MORE THAN 6 MONTHS and ONGOING options how does fall outside of those?
Please give direct references from your policies, including from your escrow practices as well.
I, my Entity have not engage in any such act or acts violating People Per Hour's policies please judge us just not with injustice. I do not accept injustice and never and will continue to fight ever
English may be my Fourth Language but I can Speak, Write and Read correctly with full comprehensions far better and greater than many of its native speakers.
I have agreey but what happened my people pra hour Id is not verify please help me and my login problem please contact me and sent your project please help me
My application has been rejected for the third time. Help me so that I can serve the people
people by applying my work to PeoplePerHour.
all offers are rejected how to fix this
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