Membership is NOT FREE?



  • Official comment
    Permanently deleted user

    Hello Rosanna

    Thank you for your message.

    Sorry to hear about this. Unfortunately you did not meet our minimum requirements to qualify for free membership status.

    To qualify you must complete at least 2 Jobs (or Hourlies), with 4* rating or above, or bill an aggregate of $124.17 in a 3 month period. If this is not achieved within the 3 month qualifying period the account will become “limited” as for the seller features.

    You need to pay the membership fee in order to continue your selling on the site and once paid, you can again send proposals and post hourlies on the site. 

    Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

    Thank you.

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  • Mahafizur

     Dear Support Service


    I just got the message that my 3 month qualifying period is over as I haven't completed any projects yet. But Yesterday I got a proposal acceptance. Can't now I complete it?
    I would like to know if you can prolong the time a little in order not to be left out from PPH as I am very much in love with this syte and would like to go on working here.

    Please give me another chance to complete this project to prove my qualification


    Thanks a lot

    Mahafizur Rahman

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  • Mohammed

    @Mahafizur Rahman


    open a new ticket from here:

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  • Jannet

    Hey, I also have the same concern as @Mahafizur Rahman.


    I already send a report ticket to my complaint, I hope they will respond to my appeal.

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  • Samiksha

    Hello @kelly,


    My account will be active till 6th Feb 2020. Please, clarify my doubts regarding my PPH account:

    1. Do I have to complete sales of $124 for making my profile alive? Or 2 sales individually of $124 i.e total $250 approx?

    2. After completing the 2 sales, my profile will be alive forever? Is there any rule to complete 3rd or 4th sale again within a time duration? 

    Kindly, help me to resolve the above queries so, I will be able to use this account forever.

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