Pending Payments



  • Official comment

    Hi Adam,

    Following the clearing period, our payments team then has to process the payments. All withdrawal requests will be processed by the PeoplePerHour team within 2 working days once the clearing period has finished.

    Best wishes,

    The Community Team 

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  • Adam

    This is not a withdrawal this is pending prior to a clearing stage!!

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  • Tom

    Yes, there are 2 separate and different delays. 1) Invoice payment fraud checks, 2) Withdrawal Clearing period delays.

    Most invoices are manually checked by PPH Payment Agents before the money is released from the Escrow to the Freelancer. This can introduce a delay where the invoice will show as Pending for a while. It's unusual for invoices to be stuck as Pending for more than 24 hours. Invoice checks aim to reduce fraud within the platform. Delays are longer if the Buyer is new to the platform, or if there's a Bank holiday or some kind of snafu.

    Invoice checks are separate to the Clearing period that delays withdrawals. The Clearing period is aimed at reducing money lost through bank chargebacks. PPH need to ensure the Bank can't reverse the payin after we have done the payout, leaving us in the red. The more time, the safer for us.

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  • Mafuj

    can i withdrow it?

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  • Nancy

    No, it clearly says not available for withdraw!

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  • Mehmet

    It happened to me too, and I have been waiting for 4 days to take 3 jobs worth of money and PPH isn't answering my messages. 

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  • Nancy

    Mafuj's screenshot clearly shows it's not available for withdrawal yet.

    I asked for a withdrawal on Thursday and money was in my bank on Friday, with no issue whatsoever.  Are you sure your money is cleared?

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