Message and job not showing on laptop, but coming through only to my phone. No email either?!




  • Kelly

    A member of our team will email you within 24 hours to investigate

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  • Mark

    I have the same problem. I've been approached by a buyer. The message is displayed on my people per hour app (iPhone 5 - iOS7.1) but doesn't show in my inbox. I have no idea if the buyer received my reply. Can someone look into this? 

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  • Kelly

    A member of our team will email you within 24 hours to assist

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  • John

    I also have this problem, I have an answered question on my hourlie and I cannot see this.

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  • Kelly-Anne

    Hi John - The problem was never resolved. I'm not sure if PPH could find an issue. I had a message to say someone was looking into the problem, but that was it. Luckily I could raise an invoice from my phone and all artworks were sent via a wetransfer link which I ended up copying and pasting... pain in the bum :-/

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  • Kelly-Anne

    Haven't had a problem since this one though^^ was almost a year ago.

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  • John

    Seems it has come through now.

    Thanks anyway!

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  • Rachael

    This is happening to me! I'm being awarded jobs but no email is coming through, i've checked mysettings and nothing wrong. i'm also not getting the " you have been invited to bid " notification emails either

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  • Christian

    Happens all the time to me. I get a push notification on my iPhone(mostly direct messages regarding hourlies or jobs) and if I don't swipe the push notification they seem to get lost. They don't appear in my inbox on the phone app nor in my email or on the website. It takes something between 30 min and an hour until they come trough on the website or app. Very annoying because valuable reaction time gets lost and so is the job. PPH please fix!

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  • Naveen

    same problem being faced by me.
    Is this a error or does peopleperhour wants few people to earn and rest of them not to ?
    Please help as my livelihood depends upon peopleperhour !

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  • Dilanka

    I have been having the same trouble. At first I thought that the buyer may have retracted the message or whatever. But it happened constantly so I thought of looking for help. There I see more people having the same problem. Please help.


    Exactly what happened is that I received a mobile app notification on my Huawei P9 Lite and when I tap on it to see more, it disappears and it does not show up on even the web version. This is much troubling since I have not been able to respond to Three requests from buyers already.

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  • Wasif

    I have been having the same trouble. Please help us and try to solve this issue as early as possible.


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