What can be done, to encourage buyers to propose realistic budgets, so that working on PPH can be something economically viable for freelancers
AnsweredI'm talking specifically about the creative side, like 3D or graphics. I can't see how anyone working from the UK, in this sector would make anything more than a max of £150 for a weeks work, based on my own experience, unless they are running a subcontracting farm, where they farm out the jobs to 10 guys in Bangladesh on 1p an hour rates.. Unrealistic budgets is a recurring theme here. PPH is a great platform, which is growing, it would make sense to address this issue as it would encourage more quality workerrs to come and stay on board, raise the sites reputation, and increase income for everyone, or at least to the level of UK minimum wage.
Hi Pilar, thanks for the reply.. I really wonder how much good a blog post will do, but something is better than nothing. I noticed that you guys have now removed the send feedback button for jobs.. (The one where ppl reported low budget jobs).
My suggestion would be to make it compulsory for buyers to stipulate their budgets and create brief guides outlining minimum hourly rates for each type of job, and the approximate number of hours it takes to do each one, allowing buyers who have no idea about a certain sector to propose a fair price. I'd be more than happy to put something together for the graphic side of things.
I noticed that you guys have now removed the send feedback button for jobs
That's not true. It's now at the very bottom. Totally ridiculous place for it.
make it compulsory for buyers to stipulate their budgets.
It would be nice, but often they are clueless.
allowing buyers who have no idea about a certain sector to propose a fair price
George is a fair price in the UK the same as a fair price in Pakistan, India, or Bangladesh?
I don't think so.
Hi Paul, Thanks for the response..
"George is a fair price in the UK the same as a fair price in Pakistan, India, or Bangladesh?
I don't think so."
- Then how do you suggest someone in the UK compete with these guys.. The only alternative is to then not use the site.. Which is a real shame because this one is one of the better ones when compared to Odesk which now only has freelancers from these regions working on it..
Then how do you suggest someone in the UK compete with these guys.
I regularly get work on PPH in direct competition with these guys and not by competing on price.
Iam knowledgeable and far more articulate than anyone who comes from India, Pakistan, bangladesh, Rushia, etc - the home of the low cost competitor.
That said, a lot of buyers are on PPH seeking low costs above all and I can't compete on that basis. Fortunately there are buyers with reasonable budgets who value my skills, see my PPH history and value the easy communication that I offer.
That said, I think PPH should not allow hourly rates below the UK minimum wage (after PPH comission), nor very low job budgets.
We may not be able to compete on budget, but that's not the only buyer consideration. PPH do nothing to raise job values - it often looks like the six-pound-land of the freelance world.
Hahahaha.. Yeah nice spelling!.. :P
I win work over the low priced guys too.. But like you said.. Some ppl are proposing rates well below UK min wage.. And in my sector that makes up the majority of the jobs.. So when I see a job like that or recieve an invite.. I just decline them..
It's a bit of a frustration knowing where buyers stand on budgets. Some put in tiny budgets just to see what happens. Some put nothing so you have no idea if they have £5 or £500 in mind.
In the past PPH used to publish the job value of winning proposals. This was invaluable for knowing if the buyer was a cheapskate or not.
Had a proposal rejected today, with the comment "4 times the cost of other proposals".
The buyer did not propose any budget cost, provided only a brief description and did not include a sample of work. The proposed cost was based on the word count in the brief description matched to my standard hourly rate. It is noted that this buyer has now paused the proposed project.
Buyers need to provide better information and be more open and honest about the level of support required rather than creating an environment for who can be the cheapest seller.
I am relatively new to the PPH working methodology. I have had 2 brilliant buyers, one buyer who wanted me to work for a ridiculously low hourly rate and this experience today with the barbed comment from the buyer does make me wonder what some buyers expect.
I'm keen to be a good seller but will not cheapen my professional rate and standards just to please buyers who only want the cheapest seller.
Viewing the other comments on this thread I believe I am not alone ...
Hi Maggie.Buyers on PPH range from the very professional through to the absolutely clueless and downright rogues.
Unfortunately, PPH has no control, like any other business, of the customers that come through the virtual door.
We can't expect PPH to regulate them and really our best bet is to try and find the buyers that look like they want a quality result at a fair price (for the UK).
PPH does have quality buyers but they tend to be the exception. Don't try and please all buyers and don't be too dispirited. After a while you will learn to spot the quality buyers. Never work for people you don't 'click' with. My worst clients have always been the penny-pinchers. the ones with a good budget are usually great to work for - they want a good result rather than just reduce costs.
All that said, I really do understand the frustration and indeed disappointment. Several buyers have told me they expect to pay less when sourcing through PPH. Now and again I take buyers to task for their budgets.
I hope you find some worthwhile projects soon.
No you certainly are not.. What you must remember is that one of PPh's propositions is offering the lowest price.. take a look at the hourlies emails.. £20 for a website.. Buyers come for that..
There will be rare instances where you'll get market price. Bear in mind that most buyers are middlemen who have blagged it to a company, negotiated a low price and will then seek to spend as little as they can to have the job done.
I make it explicit to ppl that I work to pay bills, and will demand a fair price for my work. The result is not many jobs won.. But then its not realistic to assume I'll make a sustainable income off a site where low price is the top proposition, and you compete with ppl in developing countries.. You can't win.. :)
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