Why was my seller application not approved?




  • Pilar

    Hi Aga, 

    more details on the new seller application process can be found here: http://support.peopleperhour.com/entries/72919808-New-Seller-Application-Feature-

    Many Thanks x 

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  • James

    Hey Aga,

    That's not very helpful as you don't specify why the application was not approved.

    How would I find out exactly why it was not approved? I have been working for more than decade, so there has to be another reason.


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  • Pantelis

    What are you guys doing? To me it looks like you are taking a site that had a few problems and turning it into a site with mega problems.

    Let's see what the other freelance sites are like?

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  • Peter

    After more than a week, still the same message. The helpfile is not helpful. A direct support not available. No clue, why there is no approval. Is this a test site or already online?

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  • Paolo

    I do not understand why my approval also can't be approved. I have a good website and good showreel , I have worked for several company in europe crating online video contents and advert. I have also created and get paid on people for hour before with positive feedback from the clients. Can someone tell me the reason ?there is no feedback at all to improve the review. Honestly is not a big deal as people per hour is not a big platform to make money is just curiosity to me to see what can be done here. But I would like to know why this is happening. Thanks.

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  • Waseem

    I received this message from the PPH team after several tries to update my profile


    Thanks again for submitting your application. After a close review by our team, we’ve determined that we cannot accept your application as it doesn’t meet our requirements. At PeoplePerHour, we pride ourselves on the quality of our freelance community and we approve only a few but great applications.
    Why was my application rejected please? I provided all necessary documents.
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  • Hafiz

    My Seller Application is not being approved by PPH Team

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  • katie

    same problems I think there's obviously an issue with this site does anyone know of any other sites that are good?


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