Provide your real name and location




  • Emily

    Sylvia, are you entering your name as "Sylvia B"? If you enter your full surname, it will still only show as "Sylvia B" on your public profile.

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  • Cécile

    I have the same problem with location. I was asked to enter my real location but that is already done. What can I do? I cannot bid on any project at the moment...

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  • Abdul

    It's very bad situation. It has been three months but PPH has not solved the problem yet.

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  • Rocco

    huauhahuauhauh I have the same issue

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    THis really sucks ... PPH should enable people to do their business. I have finished an work but becasue of PPH it is on hold ..

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  • terry

    I have the same issue and you cannot even reply to their email beings its a no-reply

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  • Anna

    I have the same issue, I don't know how to solve it, cause I'm eventualy travelling around. That's not good.

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  • Vladimir

    I have the same issue. I moved to England to study and so my location is changed. I changed my location in my profile and I received an email asking me to provide my real location... I've already done that and still cannot post an hourlie or bid on a project.

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  • Bryan

    I live in Los Angeles, CA normally, but I am traveling around the world and cannot do anything because I keep getting emails asking me to "Provide my real location"

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  • Changwei

    I am in China, but I have to use VPN to connect the world. I also met the issue.

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    I HAD ENTER my full name and real name and location he didnot give me the option to change the username and every time said you need to take the following action provide your real location and name wtf!

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  • ali

    I have the same issue. I am not sure where I need to go to fix this.

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  • Jouya

    same problem this is Very annoying

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  • Rohit

    While filling up the location, write 3-4 letters of your city and then choose from the dropdown. If you don't choose from the dropdown, It will automatically set it to London. 

    I tried this. Maybe this would help.

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