Proposal acceptance button is not working




  • ★Humayon

    Hey Sandra,

    Have you tried using other browsers? Or have you tried it on any other system?

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  • Vanessa

    Hi Sandra

    Maybe the job has already been awarded or you ran out of credits. Check under the black bar where you see the little images of the rest of the freelancers, if the first one has a blue stripe it's already awarded to that person. The other option I can think of is that you ran out of credits, you could buy more if that is the case.

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  • Kelly

    Hi Sandra

    A lot of technical difficulties can be experienced with certain browsers. please choose another browser and let me know if this happens again

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  • ★Humayon

    Hey Vanessa,

    Sandra asked about Accepting Proposals not about sending one.

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  • Tony

    I have tried both Firefox and IE and have so far not had success - multiple tries.  I'm wondering if it's because the proposal if for the same amount and for a similar description of Job as was previously accepted by my Hourlie. 

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  • Tony

    And I don't want to have to faff about installing another browser...I was quite happy with IE


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  • Kelly

    Could it be that the job has already been awarded or cancelled? Could you post a link to the job you are trying to send a proposal for so that I may have a look and assist you further?

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  • Martin

    I just tried to accept simon but for some reason another seller's proposal iwas accepted by the web site So why is there not a TWO STEP ACCEPTANCE step and a CANCELLATION button? Also there is no direct access to Customer services only a forum.  Really frustrating.

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  • Aziza

    The same I have been experiencing since 3 days. event paying deposit is not working. Can someone help urgently? I have money in my wallet and I used different browsers

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