What is the procedure to approve the Seller Application?




  • Christopher

    I don't remember seeing a "application is under review" message. Where can I find that? Is there a page that tells me my current status somewhere in my profile area? It's really not clear. And what's the deal about cutting me off in three months if I've not brought you in enough commission? (which I'm guessing this is about) I don't just sell my skills via PPH you know -- why should I give your site special attention to ensure I'm always putting work through your marketplace as against other sources of work? Ah... because if I don't you'll charge me to keep my account open. Sorry, but it's pretty sucky. 

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  • Coco

    Hello. In cases like this then you'll have to send your seller application for approval by our support staff. However, please keep in mind that there is a limit of three rejections before our system will no longer allow you to send further applications, and to do so you'll have to register a new account with a new email. 

    I hope this helps.

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  • Dorina

    No offense but how can you close an account like this? What happens if freelancers have jobs on progress and the payment was not made?

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  • Ian

    Ok devil is in the detail as always another amateur hour marketing effort by PPH to improve their rankings. Video applications will be given priority (hint, hint) .

    Now with the launch of their task site where they control applications , I imagine this is their long term vision for the freelancing site.

    Misguided, yes, will work, probably not, ultimately the quality of jobs on the site are far behind the rest (in my area anyway).

    Fill it in, if your approved largely meaningless as you will ultimately be talking to the buyers and can advise of future contact route, if not read the clarification boards and do what any entrepreneur would do, follow the leads.

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  • Nikolay


    I think this seller application is overdoing, it gets too complicated and too restricted, and eventually will turn

    people away. I am not that active actually but have one successfull project done with a rank of 5, and do not offer service incase I am 200% sure I can make it, so it is more or less a matter of good job management and quality than filling up forms. Further, what if in 3 months no one approves my offer or I am not that active and have other things to do, my account will be closed, even though I have no failures, that is absolutely not acceptable.


    In my point of view, either the too many forms like seller application is removed, or many will turn away.


    Kind regards,


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  • Endre

    Why are you making it impossible for me to continue applying for jobs on your website. I still have 69 free proposal credits.

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  • Endre

    Why would my comment be unwanted? Why will you not permit me to continue applying for jobs on your website under the old system. I am not in the least interested in your new system. I just want to continue applying for jobs on your website taking into consideration that I still have 69 proposal credits.

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  • John

    "here is a limit of three rejections before our system will no longer allow you to send further applications"

    A little bit harsh don't you think, considering how vague the rejection responses are. I can't send anymore applications so you just lost a customer.

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  • BEAN

    Absolutely ridiculous.... PPH if you actually reading this then your customers will go away as freelancers leave. Really think this Seller application rubbish is exactly that. A lot of us are "freelancers" which in itself means we have no formal qualifications but our works speak for itself....  Think carefully on your future business?

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  • Endre

    I wish to apply anew for your seller application. My new email is endre.polyak@yahoo.com.

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  • sofia

    I can't approve my  Seller Application.How can I do it?

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  • Phil

    Hi, I stopped using PPH for several months as a seller and now I cannot sell my services as it says I need to complete my seller's application. I have done so. How long do I have to wait to get OK'd?

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  • Inthusha

    I can't approve my seller application. please tell me how to get started and send a proposal

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  • Mark

    This was all working for me ,as a voice over I  often subscribe to a few freelancer sites.Got my first job on PPH,Customer delighted ,went on holidays and came back to a load of forms.Consequently I find myself in limbo as official accreditation is pretty much non existent in Voice Overs. I voice for several Blue Chip universally known companies... Any way this can be overcome?.

    As I'd like to work with PPH and feel needlessly excluded.Cheers

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  • Anita

    It has been over two days since I applied and I have  not heard a word yet.  How long does it take?

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  • Pie

    Funny isn't it what sellers have to do to be approved - for the privilege of applying for jobs like this


    Why are there NO checks on buyers?

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  • Permanently deleted user

    @ Pie, All users including Buyers go through checks. Buyers must provide documentations and undergo moderation policies for all jobs that are posted. If there are jobs that get by us, we are happy to investigate and remove it, if is determined to be spam or scam. Our support team is available to do that for any account. 


    Thank you

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  • Tuan

    I sent you a message, and one day I have no answers. probably because you are too much work? I found this thread and hope you will help me. My current proposal is still 20 credits and one credit proposal featured in my account but I can not send any proposal. how i can continue my service to sell on your site.

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Tuan,

    I see you sent the question to our support team just a few minutes ago. One of our agents will look into this and respond back to you via that email.


    Thank you. 

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  • Mike

    Why do you have a 3 time limit on application submissions. Twice it came back with invalid profile picture, which when discussed with your customer support team shouldn't have been an issue! Now I can't submit an application at all?

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  • Simon

    Hi Guys,


    First and foremost, I would like to say that PPH is a great platform

    and a great service. I appreciate all the work you put into it. 


    But it's becoming a headache. Why are you all of sudden asking

    our clients to verify their accounts? You don't even inform them.

    You wait until they make a payment and it's not approved

    before notifying them. This is bad practise. Its

    wasting people's time and creating bad feeling.


    Not only that, but many people don't want to scan and upload

    sensitive information to a company that doesn't even provide

    phone support. They don't feel comfortable with this. I don't

    blame them. Imagine if Amazon asked the same thing 

    before a customer made a purchase. They wouldn't last

    very long. 


    It's frustrating because, as a freelancer, I'll do all that work and

    then won't get paid on time, meaning I can't pay my bills.

    Some of us have no other income stream, and we rely on this.


    By adding these extra hurdles, you're negatively affecting

    our lives. I'm wary about taking on new work. What if I do

    lots of work, and you don't approve the client and that client

    takes ages to verify or doesn't want to? I will have to wait for

    my payment. Unfortunately, the bills won't wait. The cupboard

    won't be filled with food because I haven't received my payment

    for the work I've done. 


    I want to continue using PPH. I think it's brilliant. And you guys

    have done a great job. But how can I work with confidence

    knowing that there may be mega headaches when it

    comes to being paid? 


    Please, please sort this out. 


    Many thanks in advance.


    Best wishes

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  • Jensen

    Hi I need some assistance on the "Seller Application" 

    Waiting upon your prompt responds.


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  • Bo

    Dear support team.

    I need some help on my seller application,

    please tell me what should I do the next step, thanks a lot!



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  • Haroon


    I have filled and sent this SELLER APPLICATION twice but both of the time i got it back asking me to exactly this "Provide your real location". What does this mean?? My location is already written in my PROFILE settings. Is PPH system have a BUG that cannot read my location from my Profile data? I dont know how to solve this now. Kindly explain. Thanks

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  • Masood


    "You can't send a Proposal since your Seller Application is not approved". Whats the probable reason?? and how to go about it? any guidance?

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  • Christopher

    I'm confused. I've bid for jobs on PPH before. Now you email me telling me of new jobs and when I click to apply I'm told my Seller Application is not approved! Um... I just filled in heaps of additional profile stuff - is that what you meant?

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  • Permanently deleted user

    Hello PPHers,


    Please have a look at the Q & A regarding the seller application. All seller are required to fill this out regardless of how long you have been on the site. The applications are usually processed within 24 hours and if there is added information needed, then you will receive an email that of what you need to change. You can also contact customer support at: support@peopleperhour.com



    Thank you. 


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  • Krzysztof

    How long do you normally wait for the acceptance of the application? I have applied a week ago.


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  • Krzysztof

    I saw Michael's response (from PPH) - 'The applications are usually processed within 24 hours and if there is added information needed, then you will receive an email that of what you need to change.' As it is already outside by several days - Can I have my response, please??

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  • Mohaiminul

    I cant send proposal...when i click send proposal than error with "" In order to send a Proposal, you should get your Seller Application approved"" but why ..??? I need solution please help me...


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