I need to speak with a *real* person at PPH




  • Pilar

    Hi Nick

    Please could you direct this to support@peopleperhour.com

    Many thanks

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  • Fiona

    I am unable to work as I have a temp job until fri 13th march. I am concerned that as I am unable to send proposals, will it look bad on my account? will I still get asked for proposals? Should I freeze my account until the Monday16th march?

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  • Paul

    Fiona, don't fret about it. It won't do you any harm.

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  • Abhijeet

    Hi , I am looking for Business Catalyst developer for my website could you help me for that

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  • Paul

    Abhijeet, If you want someone to do a job, you have to post it on PPH. PPH don't promise you'll find anyone suitable.

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  • chris

    PPH seem to not want you to speak to real people.  I have sent an email to support@peopleperhour.com and all I get sent is an email to login to the portal and no other information or help.  I have a dispute which I am very unhappy about and PPH seem to have completely ignored their own process and have had no further communication.

    There must be a way of having dialogue directly with PPH.  Why do they make it so difficult?  I thought they wanted to help buyers and sellers.  Its fine, until it goes wrong, as it has done in this case.

    I also notice so many of the posts relating to this are 2 to 4 years old !

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  • Paul

    Chris, I understand your frustration - I had a similar problem some time back and really we're left at the Mercy of PPH to engage with us.

    It was so much easier when there was a phone number to call.

    This area is really now the back-woods, where PPH really doesn't seem to venture (nor do PPH freelancers - this place is hard to find).

    PPH do take care over social media and that would be a good place to go to properly catch their attention if support are dragging their feet.

    Good luck.


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  • Frank

    My job got cancelled and my seller has had his invoice blocked can you explain?

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  • Paul

    Frank, there's little point posting here - contact customer support via the pph website.

    The direct email is support@peopleperhour.com I think, try it AND use the contact methods on the site.

    Sounds like PPH were not happy with the job.


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  • Nason

    Hi, I don't know how to tell the 3 people I have shortlisted that I need to postpone getting in touch due to some urgent unexpected deadlines but I want to be in touch with them soon and I want to tell the others I do not want them. There seems no messaging system to send these messages efficiently and I do not have time to contact each person! Please help

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  • Paul

    Nason, there's little point posting here - contact customer support via the pph website.

    The direct email is support@peopleperhour.com I think, try it AND use the contact methods on the site.

    There's no phone number and I doubt there's any way to contact everyone. You could cancel this job then post another as a private job and invite only your shortlist.

    Good luck.

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  • Mahmood

    Sir please help me .how can i grow my account.how can i generate my sales . please sir big request you help me.i need work. rajputmahmood34@gmail.com

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  • Adam

    It doesnt work like that if you aren't skilled you won't get a job as freelancer. Sob stories dont work

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  • Nsougah

    You have to get the experience. I just finished my first job although I'm new to the platform and I join this platform with 3 weeks ago

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