Question About Deposits



  • Nancy

    Are you sure you weren't working with a scammer?  You were awarded a project? You wouldn't need to put in a deposit. That would be for the buyer to do?  Or are you a buyer?

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  • Remy

    Well, I wasn't awarded a project, I got a request from someone and there was a $150 deposit. I had submitted an answer but then canceled it because I'm not sure how these things work. What is a buyer? I'm looking for work, not seeking to hire people to do work for me. Again, I'm very new to this site and am totally unaware of how this site works. 

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  • Nancy

    You need to read the guides.  What is a buyer???  Someone who buys the services of a freelancer.  You really do need to read the guides. 

    If you weren't awarded a project but someone asked you for a deposit - why would you pay it?  It's a scammer, preying on people who don't know how the site works.    


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  • Remy

    I don't think I paid it and canceled it immediately, but please, be nice to me; I'm autistic, and things like being lashed out at and lectured really traumatize me. Thank you.

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  • Nancy

    Like I've said - read the guides.  It's for your own protection.  

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