Workstream messages messed up
Are anyone else's messages in the workstreams completely messed up? First of all, I'm not getting half the messages, so that's annoying as it is. Then, the ones I do get are completely in the wrong order. A message I would JUST receive is now on page 7! I don't understand the sorting of the messages. Plus, several workstreams I had a few months ago have been completely deleted. I would like to have access to the files that were sent there.
Does anyone else have this problem?
I notified PPH at the beginning of the week, but nothing has been resolved yet.
Official comment
Thank you for your message.
We were having some technical issues with the notifications and our developers worked on rectifying the issue. It should now be resolved
Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.
Comment actions -
Also, to see all your unread messages, you can use this url - I saved it to my tabs ages ago:
Me and my current client have had delays with messages coming through and sometimes we have been unable to reply at all. This has affected my cert showing that I'm slow to respond so have dropped from 5 to 4 in the last few weeks...for this reason alone. I would like to ask PPH if this can be amended due to my 100% 5 star feedback ratings...I work very hard responding quickly to my clients and feel this is unjust to be downgraded for something out of my control.
Many thanks
I started this thread back in October, but it's over two months and I am still having issues. It looks like a lot more people have too.
I have lost thousands of pounds in business because of messages not being sent/received, attachments being lost and generally messages being delivered late. Understandably, clients are frustrated if they do not hear from me.
The only way around it is to ask for their email and communicate that way, although that sort of breaks the T&Cs here. However, it is necessary. But say if there is a dispute required, then you are not covered in that case either.
I have no idea what to do. PPH is a great platform in so many ways, but there are always so many technical issues and so it is really tricky to actually work from it.
I'll freely hold my hands up that the T&Cs have had to be skirted around just to make sure that I don't lose work and clients aren't let down (although I do insist that all invoicing is done through PPH, and that a brief copy record of the work request ALWAYS appears in the message thread, just to cover everyone).
However, should anyone official be reading (that's assuming they're not the sad git that I am, commenting at five past midnight on Christmas Day...), perhaps it would be a very, very good idea to pay some attention to fixing this rather than dreaming up a pointless league table that means very little other than to underline that Some Skills Command A Higher Fee Than Others.
Just saying. I'd better go and get the sprouts on. They'll get a good 15 hours before The Queen.
Haha I'm a sad git too! I'm actually working as well :( Very depressing! But, since the messaging system has let me down - I have to make up time on Xmas day :(
Yes, I don't know a single person who is happy/bothered about the new league tables. I certainly don't understand the point of them and not even going to bother looking at them.
I think resolve issues first and then roll out new features if everything works perfectly.
But right now, there are a lot of concerns that really need addressing
You're not kidding.
I'm getting ahead of the game on a few content orders with an early January deadline, so also just a wee bit sad ;)
The other major concern I have is that it can take message notifications anything up to an hour to ping through to email (and my email is set up to send/receive every two minutes). Not amazing when a message is from a very much valued client asking if there is any way I can write them 100 words within the next hour or two. And don't get me started on having to refresh the page four or five times to see the notifications.
The situation is getting worse. I am getting notifications that I am getting messages, but they are not showing up in the stream. Likewise, my clients are not receiving my messages but know that I've sent "something".
I approached customer service and they denied there were any problems and said that sometimes messages get reviewed when there is no accepted proposal. But this is also happening with actual buyers.
So, Zoe, your messages might be getting curated, to ensure contact details are not being sent.
However, PPH, why are you doing this to legit messages, but allowing people to share contact details and proposals under the "Submit a question" section? I thought that bit was being moderated? It doesn't seem so, as it is full of people who are clearly avoiding using proposal credits.
The rest of us, however, who are suffering with the issues, are just suffering!
I don't understand why any messages that are over about 3 sentences get delivered 30 minutes later. my client and I post a lot of images back and forth with accompanying text of things to change, and this workstream messaging delay is causing significant confusion, so much that we are both about ready to take up messaging on another outside platform like skype etc
The new message indication arrived after the proposal was accepted, and a deposit had been made. Four days on, the missing client message still hasn't appeared. I can understand that messages might need to be curated, but I wish PPH would pay closer attention to the blatant posting of content details on the clarification boards, for example. I can only think that the client might have posted something like 'email or call me if you have any questions'. Which, given messages can take hours to get through at the best of times, is perfectly reasonable.
If PPH can't sort out some of the recent problems, then exchanging alternative contact details is pretty necessary to be able to continue with the job.
Still happening to me too, Robert. I've actually lost a job this week because of it as the potential client couldn't see the second half of my message as it had 'red flag' words in it (Note to PPH: sometimes, it's essential to put words like 'pay', 'email' etc. into a message *perfectly innocently*...) - eventually, they couldn't wait and went with another freelancer.
I've had dealings with the helpdesk and they do now admit it's something that needs fixing. When it's fixed is anyone's guess.
I'm £500 down for the month and not best pleased.
PPH is there an update on this please? I'm seeing more and more reports via support about this, such as these from today:
I've tweeted them a couple of times about it in the last 24 hours. No response. The last time I had an email from someone on the helpdesk I suggested that the issue did need rapid attention, as I had lost money, and clients were getting angry.
The problems started when the red flags for 'forbidden' words started. I wish PPH would realise that a great many proposals require words like 'money', 'pay', 'invoice', 'email', and 'Skype' perfectly innocently. Rather than automatically putting all messages like that in temporary jail (I believe that's what's happening), I wish they'd take a random spot check approach instead. Because right now, I don't feel particularly inclined to *not* give clients my private email - it's almost impossible to complete work any other way at present.
Hi Shelley,
I've had one in jail for getting on for a month now. Client eventually attached it as a document! Nothing hooky about it either - just a list of their blog titles for January, but with the words 'money' and 'email' in there perfectly innocently. I understand why they're doing it, I just think the *how* is wrong.
And as for clamping down on blatant pitches in clarifications...well, that's just not happening at all. I can almost set my watch by one particular offender.
Hey guys
It's really disappointing to see this happening to so many people. I can see that I started this thread in October 2016 and was already complaining that it had been happening for months. I used to be one of the top freelancers on PPH, and whilst I am still a TOP CERT, I am nowhere near the very top because of all of this.
I have had a couple of clients leave negative feedback because they simply do not believe me that there are issues with the messaging system. I've had to contact the admin to leave a message in the workstream to back me up! Some have been reasonable, some have not.
More and more messages are being curated and being delayed. So many are just not being delivered at all. I used to just delete the email notifications but now they are the only messages I get (albeit they are delivered late too). However, the emails only show the first half of a message and I don't receive attachments, so there is no luck.
I just don't know what to do anymore because any project I take on on PPH just gets delayed massively and actually dampens my entire business. I have lost thousands of pounds of business because of these issues, but what can we realistically do about it?
I'm going to tweet them a link to this thread now, and see what that achieves. If anyone on Twitter could Retweet it (I'm @EdibleDormouse), they might get onto it.
I lost a job last week that I really wanted, and I swear that TWO proposals I've sent in the last 24 hours haven't been delivered to the client as they contained red warning words...and were both for financial blogs. *stares*
I'm flirting at the frilly underskirts of TOP CERT at the moment, although I doubt I'd manage to stay there long if this continues, and I continue to pitch at the business areas I have experience in.
Nothing back from a) Twitter or b) an email to support.
However, I'm noticing something else, and since this is a thread of (I think) pretty active PPH users, would be interested to see if my recent experience/suspicion meshes with anyone else's.
I don't think some of my proposals are ever being read - as I've said before, I pitch for finance/business/set-up blog and article jobs quite a lot, and red-warning words invariably come up in the pitch perfectly innocently. I've just looked back about the last 2-3 weeks' worth of these, and - you guessed it - not a single one of those has 'seen' and a timestamp on them. I even pushed the boat out for one that was absolutely my skillset with a featured proposal (if you're reading, PPH, I'd like a refund for that, thank you) - also unread, even though the client is supposed to see those first.
Anyone else, or just me? I'm close to cutting my losses and sourcing private clients elsewhere. This is ludicrous.
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