Communication with Employer via Skype??




  • Official comment

    Thank you for informing us, the necessary measures have been taken. Please don't hesitate to contact our CS team directly, we value our community and rely on your involvement and input to keep the platform as safe as possible for everybody

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  • Melanie

    I keep getting the same thing. I can't find the proper answer in the T&C. This is not a correct for of communication, correct? Everything should be through the workstream including an interview?

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  • Sarah

    Same issue. The buyer doesn't have any history. I've only been on PPH for two days. How do I know who I can trust, especially if they want to interview through Skype?

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  • Melanie

    I sent a message to PPH hoping they will answer the question. Unless I missed it, the interview process was not mentioned in the T&C, it just goes directly to *make sure you aren't paid outside of PPH*

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  • Sarah

    The outside reading I am doing about this site says that PPH will remove your account if you converse outside of the Workstream, so I guess I can't Skype with this Buyer, which is honestly probably fine to me, because they don't even have a company website. This site seems sketchy. I just removed my payment information. I'm upset that this isn't clear, especially since I paid them $13. 

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  • Adam

    As a TopCert freelancer never go outside of the platform and keep everything on the work stream. Any seller that wants you to work outside are mainly fraudulent and just trying to scam

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  • Sarah

    Thanks, Adam. That seems to be everyone who is interested in hiring me. Too bad I gave PPH money. What is your rate of success finding legit buyers?

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  • Adam

    PPH is a good platform but it does take time to establish yourself. It is tough at the moment due to the cheap influx of foreign workers who under deliver. Just make sure you do tailored proposals with a good portfolio

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