Your application has been rejected for a third time



  • Amir

    Hi, Peopleperhour Team

    I have an issue with my profile. recently I made a profile on people per hour. I fill the all info but I don't know why my profile did not approve. Can you help me to prove my profile? Please check my profile issue and tell me. If I did anything wrong. I am waiting for your response. Thanks


    Amir Sohail

    Comment actions Permalink
  • shehzad

    Hi, Peopleperhour Team

    I have an issue with my profile. recently I made a profile on people per hour. I fill the all info but I don't know why my profile did not approve. Can you help me with my profile? Please check my profile issue and tell me. If I did anything wrong. I am waiting for your response. Thanks


    shehzad ahmed

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Jobayer

    Hi Peopleperhour Team,

    I have an issue with my profile. Can you help me to prove my profile? Please check my profile issue and tell me. If I did anything wrong. Please fix it.



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  • Md. Wadud Rahaman

    Hi, PeoplePerHour Team

    I have an issue with my profile. Recently I created a profile on PPH. I fill all the info needed but I don't know why my profile was not approved. Would you please help me to approve my profile? If I did anything wrong, I'll correct that.


    I am waiting for your response.



    Md Wadud Rahaman

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