Ability to view Buyer profile and reviews
I see this has come up a lot in the community already, so I won't bore you with the details as to why this feels necessary for a wary freelancer parting with their proposal credits.
The reason, from what I've read back on 2016 posts as to why the buyer's profile view has been removed at proposal stage is that they may be contacted directly outside of PPH. Or even bombarded with requests for work.
I don't see why this would happen if the buyer, like a freelancer, doesn't or isn't allowed to disclose their contact details, company name etc in their profile and their profiles are moderated just like freelancers' for this information.
I understand there's going to be buyers who haven't used the site before and want one off projects done. As it stands though I'm very reluctant to make proposals to buyers with 0% projects awarded without some background information about them.
Essentially, freelancers would be more inclined to part with their proposal credits by gauging whether they buyer feels trustworthy.
Couldn't agree more Layla - and may I point out on top that their reasoning is flawed (not wanting designers to contact clients outside of the site). Pretty much every person on here uses a display picture that they use on other websites and right click -> search google for image will 9 times out of 10 bring up their social profiles. If they actually want that they're going to have to remove our ability to see client pictures also!
Seems pretty clear that toxic buyers would get weeded out pretty quickly and they'd lose traffic so they just don't want to do it. I had my first worst-client-ever on here not so long ago and I would not have gone near them if I'd have been able to see their reviews. -
Years ago we used to be able to see the buyer details, even contact them but, as I recall it was abused by a few, so everyone was denied access.
PPH doesnt really care if there are toxic buyers because they get their cash anyway, and there are always new freelancers to replace the jaded ones.
Ive had the 'contact outside PPH' discussion with them many times and they always pretend its for *our* protection. One one occasion they tried to argue that a client I acquired from a face to face meeting - who was a friend of a client I'd met here - was covered by the same rules- and I should not talk to them outside PPH- even though they'd never joined PPH!
I'm guessing the attitude you're talking about is what has caused these forums to become such a ghost town!
Both times I've had cause to contact their support the buyer has been as toxic as toxic can be and it's really taken weeks of abuse before they would do anything. I don't understand why PPH are so hostile to the people generating their income. -
Sadly its beyond my understanding too, but thats the way PPH have always been since the beginning. The buyers can do no wrong- the freelancres are the money cows but have ALWAYS been the ones to suffer when PPH does anything.
We used to have a community forum where freelancres and buyers could post and share ideas- Xenos closed it because it wasnt praising PPH enough. I think that summed up their attitude. Even today..where can you ask for help and actually get it? No phone number, no email, no support line, Facebook is shut down so tight that nothing gets posted unless its already vetted... PPH dont want to hear about problems ;-(
Completely agree. It actually doesn't make sense to even write feedback for the client if no one is going to be able to see it on time. You only get to see these clients' reviews once you have already worked with that client, and at that point it's useless.
I don't know if these requests are read by PPH developers, I hope they are. These are very important issues to ensure that freelancers build a long term career on a platform instead of jumping from one place to the next one.
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