Rating of Buyers & Freelancers



1 comment

  • Official comment

    Hello Roxanne,

    We strongly believe in having a strong freelancer community based on quality and professionalism. We had cases were freelancers forced their buyers to proceed and provide positive feedback in exchange for them to complete their projects. By adding this optional survey, we managed to have a better quality of freelancers. By reviewing this metric Roxanne we managed to have strong individuals working within PeoplePerHour, professionals we can trust.

    That being said, I agree with you and there should be an option to do so for freelancers as well and I have now informed my Product Team as I believe it is fair for this not to be one-sided and I, honestly, appreciate your feedback on that. 

    Make sure to always share your ideas and concerns with us as I believe in our community feedback.

    Do not hesitate to contact us at support@peopelperhour.com if you have any other inquiries in the future. 

    Thank you.


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