Can't open workstreams page




  • Official comment

    Hello Azizul, 

    Thank you very much for this. We have tried to open this page from our end and we are unable to replicate the problem, therefore I have now opened a ticket with our customer support team in order for us to review and investigate this problem further.

    Thank you for your patience.

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  • faraz


    I am unable to open my workstream page...

    please give me guidance asap


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  • Anastas

    I'm facing the same problem. My client made a deposit and I can't issue an invoice or just open my workstream page.

    I get the same - "That page doesn't exist."

    How can this be fixed?

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  • Mark

    They normally do this if the client provides contact details in an initial communication - they then deny any issue at all as their support does with all problems - until they allow it to show it's broken.

    Very annoying.

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  • Anastas

    Hey Mark, thanks for sharing your experience. What can I do at this moment? The support doesn't reply and I have the issue for nearly a month. Should I just wait?

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  • Mark

    Try sending them a DM on Twitter with the URL to the broken workstream. They do eventually reply. Their support is just not very good.

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