Pausing a bought hourlie



  • Kelly

    If you support this, please click the orange button to like this feature request! The more likes it gets, the more chance you have of getting this taken to the next stage :)

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  • Francesca

    This is actually a really good feature especially if your working with clients in another timezone.....had a few like that where its took longer than stated in the hourlie due to the fact they were online when i was in bed so there would be a huge delay in messages getting back and forth.

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  • Ana

    Please, please, please, do something about this! I constantly get clients who think the hourlie delivery time only applies to me. Just at this very moment I have 3 'overdue' hourlies that are late because my clients couldn't find time to send me feedback for over a week now.

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  • Mariel

    I agree!

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  • Tom

    What is the suggested best course of action if you have an hourlie due and there's nothing you can do to deliver it because of an unresponsive buyer?

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  • Ana

    I usually ask PPH staff to give them a little nudge. They have their private email address and a phone number. That usually helps. Your CERT rating suffers from your late delivery, but at least your positive feedback percentage doesn't (as it would with cancelling the job and getting a one star for that). it's far from desirable, but at least is not worst case scenario. 

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  • Robin

    Either party should be able to pause the hourly. If there's a pause button, and the seller clicks the pause, the buyer should have the option of accepting or rejecting the pause. The timer on the completion should stop when the seller proposes the pause, unless the buyer objects to the pause within a reasonably short time period.

    An example, if I have a 1 day hourly, and the buyer hasn't furnished everything as laid out as the requirements to do the job, and they take a day to get everything together for the seller, the seller can't possibly deliver.  There must be a way to deal with this. 

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  • Becca

    A pause button where the other party can reject the pause would be perfect.

    If the buyer also has to agree (when it's clicked due to them being too busy to reply) would make the feature unworkable if both sides have to click it to 'start' the pause, if that makes sense :)

    PPH - Please implement this! :)

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  • Jane

    YES PPH PLEASE PUT THIS IN PLACE!!!  The last few weeks, none of my hourlies have been on time - all due to delayed information from client.

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  • The Commercial Law Partners LLP

    Me too. Please do this !

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  • Joseph

    Do it!!!!

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  • Rachel H

    Please add this feature, my clients often give me partial info to start a job and then delay in getting back to me with additional info - one accepted my proposal recently and then went on holiday the next day saying she'd answer my clarifications on her return! This is going to look like I'm delivering her work 2 weeks late :(

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  • JessKatt

    This would be great. I've had a few buyers who message me about a job until it's almost finished. Then they get busy with other things and don't use the site much whilst I'm still in the middle of a job. A few days, weeks and even months later after several reminders I've sent and responses such as "I'll get back to you in a few days" but they forget about it, eventually we complete the job. I don't mind my buyers being too busy to respond even though it can be annoying waiting to finish the last few minutes worth of work and get paid, but I don't want my ratings to look bad because I enjoy working on this site. 

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  • Mark

    I dropped from 80 something spot down to 147 due to no fault of my own and now i have lost enthusiasm in the cert system as it simply doesnt work when things like this happen. I certatinly hope this is implemented quickly


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  • Becca

    We need more votes for this to get planned. We only have 49... anyone who wants this implemented please click the button at the top of the page under Emily's original post, as this would really help me and I think so many others.


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  • Darren

    This is not just a nice feature... I believe this is essential - when working in the real world.

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  • Susanta Kumar

    This is an essential feature and need to be implemented without any further delay.

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  • Tim

    How do I un-pause!?

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  • Becca

    Tim, this feature hasn't been implemented for in progress jobs. I think you must have put your whole hourlie (not just one in progress job) as paused? Just go into edit & you can turn it back on again. It's even easier on the app; just click your profile pic, click hourlies posted & there are on/off buttons for each hourlie.

    Pph, any update on the pausing of in progress hourlies? It would make work much better for clients & sellers.

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  • Becca

    Actually - just paused a few of my hourlies to stop sales as I am busy from the 'your profile' view. If you want to unpause and open them up to sales you have to go to dashboard then 'useful links' on the right hand side, in the more links at the bottom you can get to 'hourlies I posted' and then you can edit any, active or paused for sales... could be clearer PPH :)

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  • Tim

    ^ ^ Becca - I can get to the 'more links' and then 'Hourlies I posted' but there is no option to edit. It gives me a list of what is active, paused, pending, etc,.. but nowhere can I see any option to 'edit'. The only option I have is to 'feature it'. I don't want to go through the whole process of 'featuring an hourlie' again - I simply want to unpause. PPH, this is hugely frustrating.

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  • Becca

    The button with 'Feature it' has a drop down arrow on the right to click for the other options. Or you can click the Hourlie's title to see the hourlie and 'edit' is on the right.Hope that helps!

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  • Tim

    I'm afraid it doesn't help because the features you speak of simply do not exist on my version of PPH. There is NO drop down arrow on the 'feature it' button... there is also no 'edit' or 'resume' option on the control panel, unlike everybody else's page.

    Massively frustrating!!

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  • Becca

    Send screenshots to PPH! How bizzare :s Good luck.

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  • philip

    Hi how do I go about getting my money back, as I don't feel the hourly is a genuine person.

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  • Becca

    Contact PPH and report them. This thread is about a new feature we are requesting from PPH to pause in progress Hourlies when we work on them with buyers.

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  • Allison

    Please, please please sort this out!  I am constantly getting penalised for late delivery through no fault of my own.  A client bought an hourlie from me over 2 weeks ago but he hasn't arranged a time for me to meet him yet to collect the paperwork so I am looking like I am doing something wrong.  Also I have another transcription hourlie where they buy my time to reserve it, but say, the tape will be ready next week on Wednesday, I don't then have the materials to begin working and I look like I am being the lax one.  Please do look at this, it's been planned for quite a while but an update would be most appreciated...

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  • Ange

    The only problem with the other person having to accept a pause invitation, is if they don't. I have many clients receive completed work files (with read at....stamp) who don't bother to reply. I chase them up with a message and again, nothing. I then raise an invoice and have to wait a week for PPH to force it through. I can't see this being too successful.

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  • Md. Lutfor

    Great idea

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  • The Commercial Law Partners LLP

    The PPH system is starting to weigh against the Freelancer.

    The issue of 20% VAT on top of their take means we earn even less.

    Yet, they have not actioned what they promised two years ago.

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