Here at PeoplePerHour, we don't like to spam. We aim to only ever send you emails directly related to your activity on the site or send you information that we think you will find useful. If you would like to change the emails that you are receiving you can do that at any time. Here's how.
1. Unsubscribe from newsletters
To unsubscribe from newsletters such as Hourlie of the Day or a 5% off Jobs and out regular bulletins scroll down to the bottom of the email and click the here link.
You will be sent to your profile in order for you to change your notification Settings > Notifications > Updates and Feedback. You will need to unable those notifications.
2. Stop saved search/ Job Invitations/ Job Recommendations
If you are a new seller, by default you will receive daily emails for all job postings. You can click the unsubscribe link in the email. You will also be receiving emails when you get invited to a Job from a Buyer or ourselves.
To stop (or change) other email notifications from saved searches, you will have to go under your Notification page in Settings.
3. Set which system notifications you receive
- Select Settings from the drop-down user menu and click the Notification tab.
- Click edit next to System Notifications. Move the slider to select receive all interesting, important or only essential emails.
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